Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My First Post Will Be About Tomatoes

My first post will be about tomatoes. Tomatoes because, two days ago, I had a rather existential tomato adventure, and tomatoes because I'm still reliving this adventure with some kind of retrospective delight and, even more than that, some retrospective "If I knew then..." I could have added more salt, for starters. Step one: gut the tomatoes. All of them. To taste, of course. God am I glad Ms. Joy of Cooking didn't say fish, but it was oddly satisfying at the same time. Cutting the middle out of those little guys was what I would imagine coring a jellyfish might feel like and with the same satisfaction as popping the plastic bag on a fortune cookie mixed with squeezing a Gusher until it squirts out all the juice, only with seeds. Step two was to salt these tomatoes then turn them upside-down to drain. I skipped the salt, but I suppose I shouldn't have. Such is life, though, as they say. Anyway, the recipe then goes on to very concisely coerce the cook into making wild rice, stuffing the tomatoes with the rice, and baking for a while. Then Ta-Da! dinner is served!

I'm getting married in less than a month, so, of course, the tomatoes had to represent more than just dinner. They became my future marriage and my unborn children. They were delicious, by the way, even without the salt, so I suppose that's a good sign. I added some bread crumbs and shredded cheese for a little panache, although, they could have been warmer.

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